ASI-TS connection for TV EXPLORER HD

1 Marzo 2010.

Monitor and analyse external TS

The TV EXPLORER HD features an essential characteristic for a field strength meter: the ASI-TS connectivity. With this feature you can monitor and analyse streams from other units, or transfer the stream demodulated by the TV EXPLORER HD to other equipment.

Unprecedented connectivity


Through the ASI-TS input you could take measures or see the transport stream directly on the TV EXPLORER HD.

ASI-TS input of the field strength meter

ASI-TS out

For the ASI-TS output you can transfer the transport stream coming from the internal demodulator of the TV EXPLORER HD, or from a file stored on your own equipment, to the TS analyser, in order to obtain an more detailed analysis.

ASI-TS output of the field strength meter

Quota :

PROMAX è un produttore leader di sistemi di test e misura, impianti di distribuzione di segnale broadcast e TV. Le nostre linee di prodotto includono strumenti di misura per TV via cavo, TV satellitare, reti ottiche broadcast, wireless e fibra, gli analizzatori di FTTH e GPON. Modulatori DVB-T, stelle filanti IP o IP convertitori (ASI, DVB-T) sono tra i più recenti sviluppi della società.